Really Simple Systems: The Key to Streamlining Your Business :

Hello and welcome to our journal article on really simple systems. As a business owner or manager, you know how chaotic things can get when processes are not streamlined. This is where really simple systems come in. By implementing easy-to-follow systems, you can increase productivity, reduce errors, and save time and money.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Benefits of Really Simple Systems
  3. Types of Really Simple Systems
  4. Implementation Tips
  5. Common Misconceptions About Really Simple Systems
  6. Frequently Asked Questions
  7. Conclusion


As we mentioned earlier, really simple systems are a great way to streamline your business processes. But what exactly are they? Essentially, a really simple system is a set of guidelines or procedures that are designed to make your life easier.

They can be anything from a simple checklist to a complex flowchart, and they can be implemented in any area of your business, such as marketing, customer service, or product development.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of really simple systems, the different types of systems you can implement, and some tips for successful implementation. We will also address some common misconceptions about really simple systems, and answer some frequently asked questions.

Benefits of Really Simple Systems

There are many benefits to implementing really simple systems in your business. Here are just a few:

Benefit Description
Increased Productivity By having clear guidelines to follow, employees can work more efficiently and avoid wasting time on unnecessary tasks.
Reduced Errors When everyone is following the same procedures, there is less room for error, which can save time and money in the long run.
Improved Consistency With everyone on the same page, you can ensure that your products or services are consistently high-quality.
Streamlined Processes By eliminating unnecessary steps and perfecting your workflows, you can take your business to the next level.

Increased Productivity

When employees have clear guidelines to follow, they can work more efficiently and avoid wasting time on unnecessary tasks. This not only saves time, but it also allows employees to focus on what they do best, which can improve overall job satisfaction.

For example, let’s say you run a marketing agency. By implementing a really simple system for creating social media posts, you can eliminate the need for excessive back-and-forth communication, reduce the risk of errors, and produce high-quality content in less time.

Reduced Errors

When everyone is following the same procedures, there is less room for error. This can save time and money in the long run, as mistakes can be costly to fix.

For example, let’s say you run a manufacturing company. By implementing really simple systems for quality control, you can catch errors before they become bigger issues, reduce waste, and improve customer satisfaction.

Improved Consistency

With everyone on the same page, you can ensure that your products or services are consistently high-quality. This builds trust with your customers and can help you stand out in a crowded market.

For example, let’s say you run a restaurant. By implementing really simple systems for food prep and service, you can ensure that every dish that leaves the kitchen is made to your exact specifications, resulting in happy customers and positive reviews.

Streamlined Processes

By eliminating unnecessary steps and perfecting your workflows, you can take your business to the next level. This can free up time and resources to focus on growth and expansion.

For example, let’s say you run an e-commerce store. By implementing really simple systems for order fulfillment and shipping, you can reduce the time it takes to get products to your customers, resulting in faster delivery times and better customer satisfaction.

Types of Really Simple Systems

There are many different types of really simple systems you can implement in your business. Here are just a few examples:

  1. Checklists
  2. Flowcharts
  3. Templates
  4. Schedule Planners
  5. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)


Checklists are a great way to ensure that important tasks are not overlooked. They can be used for anything from employee onboarding to product launches.

For example, let’s say you run a design agency. By creating a really simple system for onboarding new clients, you can ensure that you have all the necessary information to start a project off on the right foot.


Flowcharts can be used to map out complex processes and workflows. They can help you identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement.

For example, let’s say you run an IT company. By creating a really simple system for troubleshooting network issues, you can streamline the process and reduce downtime for your clients.


Templates can save time and ensure consistency across projects. They can be used for anything from proposals to emails.

For example, let’s say you run a consulting firm. By creating a really simple system for writing proposals, you can save time and ensure that each proposal is tailored to the client’s needs.

Schedule Planners

Schedule planners can help you stay on track and ensure that you are meeting deadlines. They can be used for anything from blog post schedules to project timelines.

For example, let’s say you run a content marketing agency. By creating a really simple system for planning and scheduling blog posts, you can ensure that you are consistently publishing high-quality content.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

SOPs are a detailed set of procedures that are designed to ensure consistency and quality across all aspects of your business. They can be used for anything from inventory management to customer service.

For example, let’s say you run a retail store. By creating really simple systems for everything from restocking shelves to handling customer complaints, you can ensure that your store runs smoothly and customers are happy.

Implementation Tips

Implementing really simple systems can be a daunting task, especially if you have never done it before. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Identify areas of your business that could benefit from really simple systems
  2. Choose the type of system that will work best for that area
  3. Document the procedures in detail
  4. Train employees on the new procedures
  5. Review and refine the system over time

Identify areas of your business that could benefit from really simple systems

The first step in implementing really simple systems is to identify areas of your business that could benefit from them. This could be anything from order fulfillment to HR processes.

One way to identify areas that could benefit from really simple systems is to look for areas where mistakes or delays are common. These are usually areas where there is room for improvement.

Choose the type of system that will work best for that area

Once you have identified an area that could benefit from a really simple system, the next step is to choose the type of system that will work best for that area. This will depend on the specific needs of your business.

For example, if you want to streamline your onboarding process for new employees, a checklist or template might be the best choice. If you want to improve your customer service, an SOP might be more appropriate.

Document the procedures in detail

Once you have chosen the type of system you want to implement, the next step is to document the procedures in detail. This will ensure that everyone is on the same page and knows exactly what is expected of them.

For example, if you are implementing a really simple system for social media content creation, you might create a detailed checklist that outlines each step in the process, from brainstorming ideas to publishing the content.

Train employees on the new procedures

Once you have documented the procedures, the next step is to train employees on the new procedures. This will ensure that everyone is comfortable with the new system and knows how to follow it.

For example, if you are implementing a really simple system for quality control in your manufacturing plant, you might hold a training session to ensure that everyone knows how to use the new equipment and follow the new procedures.

Review and refine the system over time

Finally, it’s important to review and refine the system over time. This will ensure that it continues to meet the needs of your business and that everyone is following the procedures correctly.

For example, if you notice that there are still errors in your manufacturing process, you might need to adjust the system or provide additional training to employees.

Common Misconceptions About Really Simple Systems

Despite the many benefits of really simple systems, there are some common misconceptions that can hinder their implementation. Here are a few:

  1. Really simple systems are too basic to be effective
  2. Really simple systems are inflexible
  3. Really simple systems are time-consuming to implement

Really simple systems are too basic to be effective

One common misconception about really simple systems is that they are too basic to be effective. Some people believe that complex problems require complex solutions.

However, this is not always the case. In many instances, a really simple system can be just as effective as a more complex one.

Really simple systems are inflexible

Another common misconception is that really simple systems are inflexible and cannot adapt to changing circumstances. Some people believe that once a system is in place, it cannot be changed.

However, this is not true. Really simple systems can be easily adjusted or modified to accommodate changing circumstances.

Really simple systems are time-consuming to implement

Finally, some people believe that implementing really simple systems is time-consuming and not worth the effort. They may view it as an unnecessary burden on their already busy schedules.

However, the time and effort required to implement really simple systems is minimal compared to the benefits they can provide. In the long run, they can actually save time and increase efficiency.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are really simple systems?

Really simple systems are a set of guidelines or procedures that are designed to make your life easier. They can be anything from a simple checklist to a complex flowchart, and they can be implemented in any area of your business.

What are the benefits of really simple systems?

The benefits of really simple systems include increased productivity, reduced errors, improved consistency, and streamlined processes.

What types of really simple systems are there?

There are many types of really simple systems, including checklists, flowcharts, templates, schedule planners, and standard operating procedures (SOPs).

How do I implement really simple systems in my business?

You can implement really simple systems in your business by identifying areas that could benefit from them, choosing the type of system that will work best for that area, documenting the procedures in detail, training employees on the new procedures, and reviewing and refining the system over time.

Are really simple systems too basic to be effective?

No, really simple systems can be just as effective as more complex ones.

Are really simple systems inflexible?

No, really simple systems can be easily adjusted or modified to accommodate changing circumstances.

Are really simple systems time-consuming to implement?

No, the time and effort required to implement really simple systems is minimal compared to the benefits they can provide.


In conclusion, really simple systems are a great way to streamline your business processes, increase productivity, reduce errors, and save time and money. There are many different types of systems you can implement, such as checklists, flowcharts, templates, schedule planners, and SOPs.

By following the implementation tips we have provided, you can ensure that your really simple systems are as effective as possible. And don’t forget to review and refine the system over time to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of your business.

We hope you have found this article helpful. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us.

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